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Eighteenth Annual Symposium

April 30, 2021

Author Index


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Allbee, Olivia RLand Development - Tree 4 Hope          
Althoff, Ryan BApplications of Options Greeks and the Black-Scholes Equation    
Andrews, Bennett AEnergy Monitoring & Management System (EMMS)          
Andrews, Joey DRapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Armstrong, Kathryn JThe Role of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A in Individual Response to Caffeine Consumption Under Anaerobic Conditions         
Austin, Tom Energy Monitoring & Management System (EMMS)          
Barner, Jordan TPanama Bridge Project          
Barnes, Ethan MDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Barton, Jacob MA Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Bashore, Aaron A Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Bashore, Shayna Evidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Bean, Corey Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Impact & Development      
 Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Upgrades      
Beattie, Faith Evidence-Based Recommendations for Adjunct Non-Pharmacological Peri-Operative Pain Management in Pediatric Patients      
Becker, Halle LEfficacy Analysis of Zebrafish, Danio rerio, as a Novel Demyelination Model Through Exposure to Cuprizone-infused Food        
Becker, Lauren Evidence-Based Recommendations to Prevent Delirium in Intensive Care Settings Using a Multi-Faceted Approach      
Beers, Tony Better Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Bellerose, Michael LCryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Laboratory Propagation of Plasmodium falciparum        
 Cryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Plasmodium falciparum Culture        
 Laboratory Culture of Plasmodium falciparum with Cryopreserved Human Erythrocytes        
Bender, Cade KDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Beveridge, Abigail The Influence of Caffeine and the C957T (DRD2) Polymorphism on Measures of Unilateral and Bilateral Motor Tasks        
Bickom, Brandon MSustainable Agriculture          
Bigler, Kate Evidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Branson, Nathan Interaction of Dark Matter Dark Photon Particles with Plasma in the Universe    
Brewster, Grace The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Muscular Power in Dancers and Jump Athletes        
Brubaker, Grant Village Water Ozonation System          
Bruns, Rachel ERapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Bryner, Isaiah DProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Buckwalter, Silas Quantifying In Vitro Matrix Deposition to Elucidate the Target of Proglumide-mediated Fibrotic Inhibition in Pancreatic Cancer        
Bunch, Katie A Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Burgess, Samuel RProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Burlew, Benjamin KVillage Water Ozonation System          
Caldwell, Matt JBetter Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Caldwell, Rachel The Influence of Caffeine and the C957T (DRD2) Polymorphism on Measures of Unilateral and Bilateral Motor Tasks        
Caras, Kasey BStaircase Tableaux    
Carbaugh, Katie Ketamine Effectiveness in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Vaso-Occlusive Crisis (VOC)      
Card, Josh Landmine Neutralization: Air Excavation Unit          
Cassel, Spencer The Effects of a 2-week Meditation/Prayer Program on Heart Rate Variability      
Chan, Joston WBurkina's Promise    
Chen, Sarah MEvidence-Based Recommendations to Prevent Delirium in Intensive Care Settings Using a Multi-Faceted Approach      
Chong, Wesley HooDat    
Clark, Micah TFatigue Testing a Mechanized Percussion Well Drilling System for Water Access in Western Africa          
Class, Ryan GGravity Fed Water System in Guatemala      
Clements, Spencer PExpression Vector Construction for a Heme C Attachment Assay      
Clemmer, Blake NAdjustable Prone Trolley Design for People Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries in Nepal          
Coates, Matthew SBurkina's Promise    
Codd, Sarah KDeveloping a Reliable Computational Method to Determine the Allosteric Sites to Be Targeted in Finding Non-aggregating Allosteric Inhibitors of PTP1B      
 Synthesis of Novel Hydroxychalcone Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B        
 Synthesis of Stilbene Derivatives as Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B      
Cole, Adam DEffects of Caffeine and CYP1A2, ADORA2A Polymorphisms on Exhaustive Anaerobic Performance        
Conrad, Jack The Effects of a 2-week Weighted Vest Training Intervention on Sprint Performance.      
Cordell, Nathan EA Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
 Genetic Code Engineering: Expression of Cytochrome C with a Methylated Histidine Ligand    
Cornwell, Ethan RLandmine Neutralization: Air Excavation Unit          
Cornwell, Jacob RCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Crosley, Harrison JDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Cruzan, Annelyse MAltered Heavy Metal Stress Response of Mutant Arabidopsis thaliana Plants in the Presence of Nickel        
Danehower, Caleb EBetter Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Daniel, Eddie Behavv    
Daugherty, Dalton JLaser Sheet Imaging of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots    
Davis, Grace EEnd-of-Life Simulations & Nursing Students’ Confidence      
De Poto, Sydney The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Muscular Power in Dancers and Jump Athletes        
Dean, Jacob Sustainable Agriculture          
Decker, Emily Is Your Professor Exaggerating? Investigating the Importance of Conditions in One-Sample Testing    
Delate, Rachel A Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Denlinger, Tommy Fatigue Testing a Mechanized Percussion Well Drilling System for Water Access in Western Africa          
Derstine, Dylan JAdjustable Prone Trolley Design for People Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries in Nepal          
Deutcheu, Pauline 3D Mapping Jungle Airstrips with a Drone      
Diep, Mina Cryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Laboratory Propagation of Plasmodium falciparum        
 Cryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Plasmodium falciparum Culture        
 Laboratory Culture of Plasmodium falciparum with Cryopreserved Human Erythrocytes        
Dierkes, Payton Evidence for a Delirium Bundle for PICU Patients      
Diethrich, Jordan Ketamine Effectiveness in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Vaso-Occlusive Crisis (VOC)      
Doane, Bryce Behavv    
Donley, Robert HFatigue Testing a Mechanized Percussion Well Drilling System for Water Access in Western Africa          
Donoff, Castine LA Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
Dupler, Keera LSkinSafe: A Bacterial Skin Model for Studying Silicone Prosthetic Liners in Kenya      
Eells, Matthew DA Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Elder, Maelyn Staircase Tableaux    
Ellis, Shekinah A Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Englehart, Corey BLand Development - Tree 4 Hope          
Erikson, Jeff SAnalysis of the Impact of Water Treatment Plant Effluent on Antibiotic Resistance in Pennsylvania Stream Microbiomes        
Eyster, Mikayla RPanama Bridge Project          
Farrar, Matthew JAcridine Orange as a Novel Tool for Identifying Partially Double-Stranded DNA    
 Laser Sheet Imaging of Arabidopsis thaliana Roots    
 A Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis      
 Development of a Graphical Advising Tool for Computing, Mathematics and Physics    
 A Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis      
 Development of a Detector for High Energy Gamma Ray Studies    
Fetterman, Luke TPanama Bridge Project          
Finkbeiner, Jake TFluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Impact & Development      
 Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Upgrades      
Fino, Sam A Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Fish, Randall KPreparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System       
 Preparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System      
 On-Campus Solar PV Lab: Component Selection is Only the Beginning      
Florio, Michael ASystematic Screening for Expression of an Engineered Heme C Protein in E. coli    
Foster, David KHydroponic Growth of Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)        
 A Sustainable Alternative: Chicken Waste as a Nutrient Source for Red Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in a Hydroponic System    
Foster, Luke JUsing Drones for Rapid, Low-Impact Assessment of Panamanian Golden Frogs    
Fouse, Brittney DCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Freed, Evan Preparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System       
 Preparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System      
Galyen, Ruth CVillage Water Ozonation System          
Gao, Jeffrey A Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
 Self-assembled Monolayers on ZnSe Surfaces    
Gates, Benjamin RFatigue Testing a Mechanized Percussion Well Drilling System for Water Access in Western Africa          
Gibson, Abigail KThe Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Muscular Power in Dancers and Jump Athletes        
Gonzales, Rhianna The Effects of a 2-week Meditation/Prayer Program on Heart Rate Variability      
Gonzalez, Josiah Titer Determination, Enrichment, and Endotoxin Quantitation in Bacteriophage T4 Stocks for Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies        
 Generation of Bacteriophage T4-specific Monoclonal Antibodies        
Goodin, Kadie AMutagenesis of a Heme Attachment Enzyme for Expression of Metal-substituted Heme Proteins    
 Using Molecular Dynamics to Optimize Geometries of Metal Binding Sites    
Grant, Joseph Gravity Fed Water System in Guatemala      
Griffith, Gabi ERapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Guevin, Daniel LGeneration of Engineered SV40 T Antigen-Expressing Immortal Murine Kidney Cells for Vaccination Against Pancreatic Cancer        
Gulinello, Sam JA Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
Hansel, Paul MSabermetrics    
Hargrove, Elizabeth GRapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Harms, John Something WEAVER    
Harms, John FUtilizing a Plasma Membrane Enrichment Protocol to Optimize Western Blot Detection of the CCK2 and CCK2i4sv Receptors        
 Differential Efficacy of Antifibrotic and Immunotherapy on T-cell Infiltration in Murine Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma        
 Quantifying In Vitro Matrix Deposition to Elucidate the Target of Proglumide-mediated Fibrotic Inhibition in Pancreatic Cancer        
Harro, Crosby Panama Bridge Project          
Harro, Riley Designing a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Hartman, Sarah EFisher's and Neyman's Tests in Treatment Analysis    
Hartman, Sarah Roise The Effects of an Acute Bout of Controlled Breathing on Short-Term Heart Rate Variability      
Hartman, Zachary CPanama Bridge Project          
Haseltine, Lindsay LMuscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Hauger, Levi DDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Hayden, Brittany The Role of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Maturation      
Heckman, Madalyn ASustainable Agriculture          
Heisey, Darren JTrans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Heisey, J Scott Land Development - Tree 4 Hope          
 Trans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Hellgren, Niklas Self-assembled Monolayers on ZnSe Surfaces    
 Development of a Detector System for Dark Photon Dark Matter    
 Synthesis of Carbon Nitride Thin Films for Use in the Catalysis of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction    
Hess, Micah JSustainable Agriculture          
Hickey, Joelle Early Childhood Oral Healthcare to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease      
Higgs, Matthew RFatigue Testing a Mechanized Percussion Well Drilling System for Water Access in Western Africa          
Hockenberry, Warner CTrans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Hollenbach, Kaylee AEvidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Holley, Joshua JDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Holsinger, Zachery DEnergy Monitoring & Management System (EMMS)          
Honebrink, Lucas CHybrid Thermal Lance      
Honey, Frank GHybrid Thermal Lance      
Hopkins, Peter CDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
Horne, Reece JMathematics at Play: A Study of Game Theory Applications    
Horst, Logan JTrans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Hough, Shannah Early Childhood Oral Healthcare to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease      
Houtz, Allie A Sustainable Alternative: Chicken Waste as a Nutrient Source for Red Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in a Hydroponic System    
Howell, Tim Cunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Muscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Hunsberger, Andrea Better Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Jaloszynski, Nathan EProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Jekale, Belosan Wubishet HooDat    
Jenkins, Michael DFluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Impact & Development      
 Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Upgrades      
Jimenez, Olivia MEvidence-Based Recommendations for Adjunct Non-Pharmacological Peri-Operative Pain Management in Pediatric Patients      
Jobson, Jenny End-of-Life Simulations & Nursing Students’ Confidence      
Johnson, Micah Something WEAVER    
Johnson, Skylar JEvidence-Based Recommendations to Prevent Delirium in Intensive Care Settings Using a Multi-Faceted Approach      
Kabonick, Seth Developing a Reliable Computational Method to Determine the Allosteric Sites to Be Targeted in Finding Non-aggregating Allosteric Inhibitors of PTP1B      
 Synthesis of Novel Hydroxychalcone Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B        
 Synthesis of Stilbene Derivatives as Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B      
Kantner, Joshua JSprouts & Brussels Sprouts    
Keane, Emily LHybrid Thermal Lance      
Kelchner, Sarah NProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Kendall, Aeowyn Development of a Detector for High Energy Gamma Ray Studies    
Keong, Joshua Hit Pause    
Kerlen, Faith NA Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Kieffer, H. Scott The Role of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A in Individual Response to Caffeine Consumption Under Anaerobic Conditions         
 The Influence of Video Distraction During Exercise on Measures of Cardiometabolic Function and Perceived Exercise Enjoyment       
 The Effects of a 2-week Meditation/Prayer Program on Heart Rate Variability      
 The Effects of a 2-week Weighted Vest Training Intervention on Sprint Performance.      
 The Influence of Caffeine and the C957T (DRD2) Polymorphism on Measures of Unilateral and Bilateral Motor Tasks        
 The Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Muscular Power in Dancers and Jump Athletes        
 The Effects of an Acute Bout of Controlled Breathing on Short-Term Heart Rate Variability      
 Effects of Caffeine and CYP1A2, ADORA2A Polymorphisms on Exhaustive Anaerobic Performance        
 Continuous and Interval Training Acutely Elevates Serum BDNF in Healthy College-age Males      
Kimbel, Kylee MInhibition of Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes and Effects on Oligodendrocyte Differentiation        
King, Joseph MISeek    
Kirk, Emily Evidence-Based Recommendations for Nurse Driven Communication in Adult Intensive Care Units and the Impact on Family Satisfaction      
Kleingardner, Jesse Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Fluorescent Calcium-sensing Troponin C Protein Complex to Bind Iron and Copper    
 Mutagenesis of a Heme Attachment Enzyme for Expression of Metal-substituted Heme Proteins    
 Using Molecular Dynamics to Optimize Geometries of Metal Binding Sites    
 In Vivo Synthesis of Zinc Horse Cytochrome C in E. coli Via Zn-supplemented Autoinducing Media      
 Systematic Screening for Expression of an Engineered Heme C Protein in E. coli    
 Expression Vector Construction for a Heme C Attachment Assay      
 Genetic Code Engineering: Expression of Cytochrome C with a Methylated Histidine Ligand    
Kline, Seth MTrans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Knepper, Ray Village Water Ozonation System          
Koehnke, Brandon A Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Kolb, Jonas EOn-Campus Solar PV Lab: Component Selection is Only the Beginning      
Kryemadhi, Abaz Development of a Detector for High Energy Gamma Ray Studies    
 Development of a Detector System for Dark Photon Dark Matter    
 Interaction of Dark Matter Dark Photon Particles with Plasma in the Universe    
Kulp, Darren Better Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Labrie, Daniel JPreparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System       
 Preparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System      
Landis, Darin MBetter Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Laven, Matthew CBehavv    
Lawrence, Amanda Evidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Lehman, Micah D3D Mapping Jungle Airstrips with a Drone      
Lewin, Mikayla Mindfulness, an Intervention to Reduce Burnout Among Registered Nurses      
Lieberman, Morgan End-of-Life Simulations & Nursing Students’ Confidence      
Light, Caleb RLand Development - Tree 4 Hope          
Ling, Noah Panama Bridge Project          
Lockwood, Michelle LVillage Water Ozonation System          
 Sustainable Agriculture          
Logan, Hannah KThe Effects of a 2-week Meditation/Prayer Program on Heart Rate Variability      
Logsdon, Erin TA Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Lo, Michelle Cunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Long, Chad MFluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Impact & Development      
 Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Upgrades      
Luckenbill, Courtney The Effects of a 2-week Meditation/Prayer Program on Heart Rate Variability      
Malanga, TJ JVillage Water Ozonation System          
Matanguihan, Miggy Sustainable Agriculture          
Maxson, Joshua LBetter Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Mazzone, Samantha AEvidence-Based Recommendations to Reduce Delays in Care for Women Presenting with Chest Pain in the Emergency Department (ED)      
McCarthy, Josiah JPreparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System       
 Preparing For Extended Field Tests of the Intelligent Water System      
McClary, Geoffrey D3D Mapping Jungle Airstrips with a Drone      
McClymont, Micaiah JEvidence for a Delirium Bundle for PICU Patients      
McCullough, Brittany JEvidence for a Delirium Bundle for PICU Patients      
Meads, Luke AISeek    
Meekins, Clint MCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Mellott, Benjamin JCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
Merendino, Rebecca CBurkina's Promise    
Meyer, John A Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Milanesi, Chloe AThe Influence of Video Distraction During Exercise on Measures of Cardiometabolic Function and Perceived Exercise Enjoyment       
Milbrath, Christine AThe Effect of Morphine on the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Fear Memories: A Pilot Study        
 The Effect of Stress on Drug Seeking Behavior        
 Stress Enhanced Fear Learning: An Animal Model of PTSD    
Miller, Abby Adjustable Prone Trolley Design for People Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries in Nepal          
Miller, Devan KDeus Absconditus and Game Theory    
Miller, Hailey CSkinSafe: A Bacterial Skin Model for Studying Silicone Prosthetic Liners in Kenya      
Miller, Kiersten REvidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Miller, Kyle E3D Mapping Jungle Airstrips with a Drone      
Mitchell, Abigail Ordering Polynomial Rings    
Mokris, Al WA Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
 Development of a Detector for High Energy Gamma Ray Studies    
Monday, Jaymie RMuscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Monturo, Joshua JThe Effects of a 2-week Weighted Vest Training Intervention on Sprint Performance.      
Mourelatos, Nik mISeek    
Moyer, Drew WPanama Bridge Project          
Moyer, Josiah DProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Myers, Grant The Effects of a 2-week Weighted Vest Training Intervention on Sprint Performance.      
 Continuous and Interval Training Acutely Elevates Serum BDNF in Healthy College-age Males      
Mylin, Larry Something WEAVER    
Mylin, Lawrence MCryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Laboratory Propagation of Plasmodium falciparum        
 Cryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Plasmodium falciparum Culture        
 Laboratory Culture of Plasmodium falciparum with Cryopreserved Human Erythrocytes        
 Titer Determination, Enrichment, and Endotoxin Quantitation in Bacteriophage T4 Stocks for Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies        
 Generation of Bacteriophage T4-specific Monoclonal Antibodies        
 Generation of Engineered SV40 T Antigen-Expressing Immortal Murine Kidney Cells for Vaccination Against Pancreatic Cancer        
 Differential Efficacy of Antifibrotic and Immunotherapy on T-cell Infiltration in Murine Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma        
Nagy, Lauren EEvidence for a Delirium Bundle for PICU Patients      
Neborg, Julia MA Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Ness-Myers, Jennifer KEffect of Lymphoid Cell Kinase (Lck) Inhibition on Oligodendrocyte Differentiation    
 The Role of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Maturation      
 Inhibition of Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes and Effects on Oligodendrocyte Differentiation        
 Efficacy Analysis of Zebrafish, Danio rerio, as a Novel Demyelination Model Through Exposure to Cuprizone-infused Food        
Newcomb, Will Hit Pause    
Nitschke, Starr End-of-Life Simulations & Nursing Students’ Confidence      
Noble, Alison RSelf-assembled Monolayers on ZnSe Surfaces    
O'Neil, Matthew TCryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Laboratory Propagation of Plasmodium falciparum        
 Cryopreservation of Human Erythrocytes for Plasmodium falciparum Culture        
 Laboratory Culture of Plasmodium falciparum with Cryopreserved Human Erythrocytes        
Park, Billy Development of a Graphical Advising Tool for Computing, Mathematics and Physics    
Parzyszek, Ian Proof and Application of The Central Limit Theorem    
 Staircase Tableaux    
Paulus, Jessica EA Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
Pavlovich, Jared TAdjustable Prone Trolley Design for People Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries in Nepal          
Pilawski, Christian On-Campus Solar PV Lab: Component Selection is Only the Beginning      
Plante, Dereck 3D Mapping Jungle Airstrips with a Drone      
Poust, Evan Landmine Neutralization: Air Excavation Unit          
Pratesi, Kasie Early Childhood Oral Healthcare to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease      
Pratt, Donald GHybrid Thermal Lance      
 Landmine Neutralization: Air Excavation Unit          
Rashford, Rachel A Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Rasinske, Sam JCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Rawson, Eric The Effects of a 2-week Weighted Vest Training Intervention on Sprint Performance.      
Reber, Lydia A Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Reeve, Anne MDeveloping a Reliable Computational Method to Determine the Allosteric Sites to Be Targeted in Finding Non-aggregating Allosteric Inhibitors of PTP1B      
 Synthesis of Novel Hydroxychalcone Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B        
 Synthesis of Stilbene Derivatives as Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B      
Rhodes, Bailey Self-assembled Monolayers on ZnSe Surfaces    
Riggs, Katie Mindfulness, an Intervention to Reduce Burnout Among Registered Nurses      
Rodriguez, Isela M.The Effect of Morphine on the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Fear Memories: A Pilot Study        
 The Effect of Stress on Drug Seeking Behavior        
 Stress Enhanced Fear Learning: An Animal Model of PTSD    
Romberger, Nathan TContinuous and Interval Training Acutely Elevates Serum BDNF in Healthy College-age Males      
Rondon, Blake Mutagenesis of a Heme Attachment Enzyme for Expression of Metal-substituted Heme Proteins    
Rood, Noah AOn-Campus Solar PV Lab: Component Selection is Only the Beginning      
Rossi, Amanda NNKetamine Effectiveness in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Vaso-Occlusive Crisis (VOC)      
Rupp, Rachel Ketamine Effectiveness in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Vaso-Occlusive Crisis (VOC)      
Sackett, Christy JAnalysis of the Impact of Water Treatment Plant Effluent on Antibiotic Resistance in Pennsylvania Stream Microbiomes        
Sampson, Meghan LMuscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Sapp-Rahme, Gage LBehavv    
Sauder, Laura The Influence of Video Distraction During Exercise on Measures of Cardiometabolic Function and Perceived Exercise Enjoyment       
Schaeffer, Richard WAltered Heavy Metal Stress Response of Mutant Arabidopsis thaliana Plants in the Presence of Nickel        
 Genetic Control of Heavy Metal Nutrient Uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana        
 Synthesis of Carbon Nitride Thin Films for Use in the Catalysis of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction    
Scholl, Noah Utilizing a Plasma Membrane Enrichment Protocol to Optimize Western Blot Detection of the CCK2 and CCK2i4sv Receptors        
Schwiebert, Matthew Better Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Sedhom, Michael The Role of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A in Individual Response to Caffeine Consumption Under Anaerobic Conditions         
 The Influence of Video Distraction During Exercise on Measures of Cardiometabolic Function and Perceived Exercise Enjoyment       
Seeland, Esther CSkinSafe: A Bacterial Skin Model for Studying Silicone Prosthetic Liners in Kenya      
Sell, Alley End-of-Life Simulations & Nursing Students’ Confidence      
Seubert, Lauren NRapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Shao, Sunny The Tower of Hanoi and Recursive Sequences    
Shields-Seelig, Garrison On-Campus Solar PV Lab: Component Selection is Only the Beginning      
Shin, Michael Altered Heavy Metal Stress Response of Mutant Arabidopsis thaliana Plants in the Presence of Nickel        
 Genetic Control of Heavy Metal Nutrient Uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana        
 The Role of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A in Individual Response to Caffeine Consumption Under Anaerobic Conditions         
 The Influence of Caffeine and the C957T (DRD2) Polymorphism on Measures of Unilateral and Bilateral Motor Tasks        
 Effects of Caffeine and CYP1A2, ADORA2A Polymorphisms on Exhaustive Anaerobic Performance        
Shirk, Brittany A Low-Cost, Portable Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer for Disease Diagnosis          
Siebert, KateLynne Evidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Sindabizera, Kay Laura Prosthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Sinsel, Joey A Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
Slyder, Becky Early Childhood Oral Healthcare to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease      
Smith, Courtney PIn Vivo Synthesis of Zinc Horse Cytochrome C in E. coli Via Zn-supplemented Autoinducing Media      
Smith, Melinda BThe Influence of Video Distraction During Exercise on Measures of Cardiometabolic Function and Perceived Exercise Enjoyment       
Smith, Noah DDeveloping a Reliable Computational Method to Determine the Allosteric Sites to Be Targeted in Finding Non-aggregating Allosteric Inhibitors of PTP1B      
 Synthesis of Novel Hydroxychalcone Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B        
 Synthesis of Stilbene Derivatives as Inhibitors of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B      
Smith, Rachel Early Childhood Oral Healthcare to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease      
Snader, Jarod ARapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Sobolewski, Katarina LEvidence-Based Recommendations for Nurse Driven Communication in Adult Intensive Care Units and the Impact on Family Satisfaction      
Soerens, Thomas SGravity Fed Water System in Guatemala      
Southall, Leigha RCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Sparks, Sam Muscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Stambaugh, Sara CThe Effect of Morphine on the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Fear Memories: A Pilot Study        
 The Effect of Stress on Drug Seeking Behavior        
 Stress Enhanced Fear Learning: An Animal Model of PTSD    
Stern, Tanner Hit Pause    
Stitt, Josiah Hybrid Thermal Lance      
Stone, Sam BVillage Water Ozonation System          
Stottlemyer, Katie RThe Black Scholes Model    
Swartz, Brian DPanama Bridge Project          
Tan, Kally Differential Efficacy of Antifibrotic and Immunotherapy on T-cell Infiltration in Murine Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma        
Tan, Philip MA Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
 Fatigue Testing a Mechanized Percussion Well Drilling System for Water Access in Western Africa          
 SkinSafe: A Bacterial Skin Model for Studying Silicone Prosthetic Liners in Kenya      
Thomas, Daniel OTrans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Thomas, Kimberly Evidence-Based Recommendations for Adjunct Non-Pharmacological Peri-Operative Pain Management in Pediatric Patients      
Thomson, Jennifer LThe Effect of Morphine on the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Fear Memories: A Pilot Study        
 The Effect of Stress on Drug Seeking Behavior        
 Stress Enhanced Fear Learning: An Animal Model of PTSD    
 Continuous and Interval Training Acutely Elevates Serum BDNF in Healthy College-age Males      
Thorne, Nathan Genetic Control of Heavy Metal Nutrient Uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana        
Thrush, Derek AAdjustable Prone Trolley Design for People Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries in Nepal          
Thrush, Noah WPanama Bridge Project          
Thurber, Ryan JDevelopment of a Detector System for Dark Photon Dark Matter    
Tiday, Gabriel JTrans World Radio - Culvert Design          
Tolley, Claudia MA Low-Cost Egg Incubator to Provide Zambian Churches with Income and Food Security      
Underman, Mary Evidence-Based Recommendations to Reduce Delays in Care for Women Presenting with Chest Pain in the Emergency Department (ED)      
Underwood, Harold RFluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Impact & Development      
 Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Upgrades      
Undieh, Ukamushu ATiter Determination, Enrichment, and Endotoxin Quantitation in Bacteriophage T4 Stocks for Generation of Monoclonal Antibodies        
 Generation of Bacteriophage T4-specific Monoclonal Antibodies        
Urich, Carter DProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
Vader, David TA Sustainable Mobility Solution for Persons Living with Disability in Burkina Faso          
 Better Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Valentine, Jacob Better Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Vallette, Daniel Synthesis of Carbon Nitride Thin Films for Use in the Catalysis of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction    
Van Dyke, Timothy JDesigning a Locally Manufacturable Wheelchair for Nepal          
 Adjustable Prone Trolley Design for People Suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries in Nepal          
Vecchio, Alexandria MMindfulness, an Intervention to Reduce Burnout Among Registered Nurses      
Vega, Larry AFluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Impact & Development      
 Fluency Assistance Device (FAD): Masker Upgrades      
Vlieg, Elizabeth RThe Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Muscular Power in Dancers and Jump Athletes        
Wagner, Karen Evidence-Based Recommendations to Improve Patient Outcomes Using Outpatient Cervical Ripening Methods.      
Walter, Jenna Site-directed Mutagenesis of the Fluorescent Calcium-sensing Troponin C Protein Complex to Bind Iron and Copper    
Warner, Bekah Evidence-Based Recommendations for Nurse Driven Communication in Adult Intensive Care Units and the Impact on Family Satisfaction      
Weaver, Ben Energy Monitoring & Management System (EMMS)          
Weaver, Drew Hit Pause    
Weaver, Max The Influence of Video Distraction During Exercise on Measures of Cardiometabolic Function and Perceived Exercise Enjoyment       
Weindorf, Brandon JRapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
 Development of a Detector for High Energy Gamma Ray Studies    
Weischedel, Eric JHooDat    
Welch, Reagan Evidence for a Delirium Bundle for PICU Patients      
Whitehead-Zimmers, Eli Acridine Orange as a Novel Tool for Identifying Partially Double-Stranded DNA    
Whittle, Samuel FMuscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Wilcox, Seth Energy Monitoring & Management System (EMMS)          
Williams, David CEnergy Monitoring & Management System (EMMS)          
Williams, Jamie RProsthetic Knee for CURE Kenya          
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Development of Safety Testing for 3D Printed Sockets      
 Rapid Orthotics for Cure Kenya: Mechanical Design and Modeling of 3D Printed Sockets      
Wilton, Regan MHydroponic Growth of Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)        
Witt, Jordan MCunningham Clubfoot Brace      
 Force Characterization and Manufacturing of a Dynamic Unilateral Clubfoot Brace      
Woodring, Ronnie Effect of Lymphoid Cell Kinase (Lck) Inhibition on Oligodendrocyte Differentiation    
Workman, Emma LBetter Pumps: Reliable Handpump Infrastructure           
Wu, Aleesa Sustainable Agriculture          
Yesilonis, Eddie JMuscle Activated Prosthetic      
 Design of a Transradial Myoelectric Prosthesis      
Zambrano, Jorge OLand Development - Tree 4 Hope          
Zercher, Sam AContinuous and Interval Training Acutely Elevates Serum BDNF in Healthy College-age Males      
Zimmerman, Morgan Mathematical Approaches to Political Gerrymandering    
 Staircase Tableaux